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Bug #7 - Spittlebug

Bug #7 - Spittlebug


12x12" (includes black wood frame, 14x14")

This relative of the aphid may be one of the craftiest at evading discovery: its nymph hides behind its own manufactured mass of whitish bubbles, where it safely sucks on a plant’s zylem juices as it grows to adulthood. Living alone or in small colonies, this insect is relatively benign in the garden and can be safely admired or ignored. As a child I would gently scrape away a bubble fortress to reveal the tiny nymphs, watching them scramble to escape. The adult form, best known as a Froghopper, also feeds on the sap of plants.

There are over a dozen species of Spittlebug in Canada. Some are specific to particular plants like spruce, dogwood and even sunflowers. Portrayed here is the Meadow spittlebug (Philaenus spumarius), who likes all kinds of plants, including the French tarragon in my garden.

$ 475.00

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This textile work is available. In order to avoid disappointment, please contact me to reserve it, as it may currently be on exhibit outside my studio. If you require shipping, please include your full address. I will respond as soon as possible with an estimate of timing and total cost. Payment can be arranged by Paypal, eTransfer, or a payment method of your choice. I am open to creative purchase plans and layaways.