Gallery - Native Trees and Plants
Trees have always intrigued me, from my earliest tree-climbing days to the present. I was born in Southwestern Ontario, on a farm adjoining the sluggish Thames River. The river's edge was teeming with life, all of it supported by a tight necklace of native trees like Black Willow and Sycamore. This tangle of wildlife was a magnet for this solitary child and her dog, providing everything needed to stir my imagination.
Autumn Dance |
Freshwater Island #1 |
Georgian Bay Sunrise #1 |
Summer Dance |
Winter Field 6 |
Woodland Passage |
Four Seasons |
Garry Oak #1 |
A Gathering of Trees #1 |
A Gathering of Trees #4 |
Island #17 |
Winter Moon |
Woodland #1 |
Woodland #5 |
Birch Stand #1 |
Comfort Maple |
Early Snow #7 |
La Cloche Sunrise |
On the Rocks #9 |
Spring Tamaracks |
Young Sassafras Stand |
Autumn Tamaracks #4 |
Fairy Lake Sapling |
Matilija Poppy |
High Tide #1 |
Moonlit Birches |
Small Island #2 |