Leaf and Needle
36" quilted wall hanging
Trees share resources even between species. Documented evidence shows that Douglas Fir and White Birch form bonds at the forest edge, trading carbon with each other seasonally via their ectomycorrhizae. Paper birch send carbon to Douglas fir seedlings, especially when they are shaded in summer, probably enhancing their survival. In spring and fall, the Douglas-fir returns the favor when the birch lose their leaves in winter.
"Listen to the trees. They know
as they sway to the hum of the universe
in wave lengths of chlorophyll, the quaking aspen
living tens of thousands of years,
memories flowing between green and ground
in the language of breath.
Birch and pine break black bread carbon,
nurse seedlings through lace threads,
roots spiralling between frayed chickadee feather,
white-tailed deer pelt, dodo and dinosaur bones,
dynasties and empires,
quilted together in subterranean networks,
layer upon layer of recycled lives."
Fran Figge - from Panspermia
36" quilted wall hanging
Trees share resources even between species. Documented evidence shows that Douglas Fir and White Birch form bonds at the forest edge, trading carbon with each other seasonally via their ectomycorrhizae. Paper birch send carbon to Douglas fir seedlings, especially when they are shaded in summer, probably enhancing their survival. In spring and fall, the Douglas-fir returns the favor when the birch lose their leaves in winter.
"Listen to the trees. They know
as they sway to the hum of the universe
in wave lengths of chlorophyll, the quaking aspen
living tens of thousands of years,
memories flowing between green and ground
in the language of breath.
Birch and pine break black bread carbon,
nurse seedlings through lace threads,
roots spiralling between frayed chickadee feather,
white-tailed deer pelt, dodo and dinosaur bones,
dynasties and empires,
quilted together in subterranean networks,
layer upon layer of recycled lives."
Fran Figge - from Panspermia
36" quilted wall hanging
Trees share resources even between species. Documented evidence shows that Douglas Fir and White Birch form bonds at the forest edge, trading carbon with each other seasonally via their ectomycorrhizae. Paper birch send carbon to Douglas fir seedlings, especially when they are shaded in summer, probably enhancing their survival. In spring and fall, the Douglas-fir returns the favor when the birch lose their leaves in winter.
"Listen to the trees. They know
as they sway to the hum of the universe
in wave lengths of chlorophyll, the quaking aspen
living tens of thousands of years,
memories flowing between green and ground
in the language of breath.
Birch and pine break black bread carbon,
nurse seedlings through lace threads,
roots spiralling between frayed chickadee feather,
white-tailed deer pelt, dodo and dinosaur bones,
dynasties and empires,
quilted together in subterranean networks,
layer upon layer of recycled lives."
Fran Figge - from Panspermia